Young Leaders Skill Academy

Expanding Children's Mind And Abilities

What Is Young Leaders Skill Academy

Young Leaders Skill Academy is a social networking charity business that runs with the help of the NGO system. Here we teach children their school education and teach them the extra skill sets that they want to learn and achieve. We are now living in Punjab India. Here we see many poor children who are in schools where they do not pay their school fees. They get education from the schools, but they do not get extra education, skill sets, guidance and etc. They cannot go to tuitions because they cannot pay the fee. Where do they go? Well here we are, the people who gives poor children everything they need for a better future.

What Do We Do

We also teach tuition, but for free. We welcome every child in our tuition. We not only provide them extra school study but we also provide them skill sets and real necessary guidance for their lives. Here is a little example of what we do –


_First we teach and make children understand their school studies.

_After they get good at their school studies, we ask them what their hobby is or what they want to do or become in life.

_After getting the answers to those question we think about the child and look forward to guide them and give them the skill sets that they deserve or want.

Help The Children Grow

Help Us Provide Them What They Need

How Can You Help Us

Young Leaders Skill Academy is a charity website. You can donate the Young Leaders Skill Academy’s charity. With the funds that you will send us, we will try not only to help children but help them to become young leaders. With those funds we can market our tuition teaching academy and welcome children to put their feet in our tuition and experience a life changing journey. Don’t worry, the children that will enter our tuition will get abundance of knowledge. Your funding is all we need to change hundreds of children’s lives.

We are Skilled

We provide mostly every education and information they need for a better future.

School Subjects
General Knowledge & Life Lessons

How Many Children Are We Planning To Help?

We are going to help children that cannot afford tuitions or any other education. Those poor children will not only get school education but will get extra guidance. There are mostly 5-6 schools with poor children where we live. By estimating they may be 1000+ children in our city who cannot afford extra education. With the help of your funding we may hire more teachers to educate these children. If we are successful to educate the poor children in our city, we may also go to other cities or even states to help children.

Team Members

There are only two team members shown below. There are many staff members working on this project. The reason we did not show them here is because they did not want to get social.

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Jassi Rajpoot

Hi, I love providing children knowledge about life, spiritual knowledge, life lessons, life living tips, educate them in all of their school subjects and more.

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Ocean Rajpoot

Hello, I am good at technology based education. I can provide children computer knowledge and nowadays updates of technology. I can also teach children some of their school subjects.


Young Leaders Skill Academy provides children a chance to have a better future and a better life. We provide children education, knowledge, guidance and skill sets that they desire for their career and life for free. We are just starting to educate children in our city. With your funding, we could do so much more.

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