Support The Cause

Your Funding's Will Help Thousands

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The Children's Future Is In Your Hands

They Are Depending On You

How Your Funding Will Help Children

With your funding’s we can educate all of the children who cannot afford extra education in our city. There are minimum 1000 poor children in our city. Educating them will be hard so we would need to hire some teachers and assistants. If we are successful to help the children in our city then we maybe go to other cities or even states to help children. With your funding’s we may also but school supplies and even upgrade their schools and schooling systems.


Young Leaders Skill Academy provides children a chance to have a better future and a better life. We provide children education, knowledge, guidance and skill sets that they desire for their career and life for free. We are just starting to educate children in our city. With your funding, we could do so much more.

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